Muslim Hassan Islam - the fear

Muslim Hassan Islam

Khadija Ben Qena
I went to one of the big shops to buy some things. While waiting for me to pay for my purchases, a Muslim woman wearing a hijab entered her face and showed signs of fatigue by dragging a heavy box in front of her. It seemed to be a machine to cut the weeds. Sit on the machine account and the house of this talk:
Muslim lady (in the literature of the gm): Madam, I bought this machine yesterday for $ 500 with several other things
The employee (she is busy): And you want to return it?
Muslim lady: No, I want to pay for it!
The employee (she is still busy): I do not understand !! Did not you say that you bought it yesterday, if you mean that you found it cheaper in another place, we have a policy to refund the difference, but on condition that you have proof of the price in the shop rival, do you have proof?
"Madam," Madam, "Madam, no, this is not the case. I bought the machine yesterday with the other purchases on the credit card and the drive to my home in the suburb of Kaza." When I entered the house and took a look at the bill, You have not calculated the value of this machine within the invoice, so I tried to contact the shop so as not to be hurt because of it, but the working hours were over, so I decided to take the day off from work and carry the machine, to register and pay for it, do not hurt because of me and not Use something I did not pay for ....
And here the employee stood suddenly and in a deep amazement is staring at the Muslim woman and filled her eyes with tears and took her embrace and accept it and say to her: I do not understand, how I decided to return, to pay an amount is basically my fault, and carry this heavy box, and Take a day off from your business, then drive 4 hours back and forth .... Why did all this ??
The Muslim woman replied in English, very innocently, as if she had acted self-evident: she is the secretariat of It is AMANA
She explained to the employee the meaning of honesty in Islam
The employee went to her manager in her office and we saw her from behind the office glass and did not hear her, but she seemed very impressed and she told her manager what the Muslim lady did. Minutes later, the manager brought the staff together and took them to the position of the Muslim lady, Who seemed to have the signs of shyness and the feeling that she did not do the duty that she learned from her religion, and then everyone asks her in a very keen about Islam and its teachings and she responds with a wonderful mixture of self-confidence, humility and sincerity ...
After she finished, the manager insisted that the machine give her a gift from the shop staff, but the lady politely apologized for accepting it, saying she wanted the reward and did not want the machine. She did not want the machine to spoil this reward, which is much better for her. This response was admired by the people, and then the lady walked calmly and I feel very proud inside me. She was impressed with her after she left not only among the staff but also among the customers, most of whom were following the situation in awe of the lady ...
Read carefully a thousand sermons do not affect as this simple and wonderful behavior. Transported.

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