Some international positions have been recorded regarding Trump's intention to transfer the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem - the fear

Some international positions have been recorded regarding Trump's intention to transfer the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

These are some of the international positions that were recorded during the last hour I gathered for you regarding the intention of Trump to transfer the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ... while all that the Arabs have is # Concern ... Is approaching the era of the # Antichrist ??
Palestinian Presidency: Tramb informed Abbas of his intention to transfer the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
The Jordanian Royal Court: Trump informed King Abdullah of his intention to transfer the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
● The Egyptian presidency: Trump told Sisi his plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem
• The Moroccan monarch Trump, in his capacity as chairman of the Jerusalem Committee, is very concerned about the Arab and Islamic countries and peoples regarding the intention to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of the US Embassy to it (letter from the Moroccan monarch to Trump)
Erdogan: Jerusalem is a red line for Muslims, and we warn the United States that it should not take such a step that will deepen the depth of crises in the region.
We are all waiting for tomorrow's speech from the "Trump"

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