Why the people of Turkey likes Erdogan's president - the fear

Why the people of Turkey likes Erdogan's president

Turkey is a Muslim Brotherhood and it is backward reactionary system ... but if we look at Turkey, Organ, we find that it is a purely secular system and its laws are all civil ... ... prevents multiple wives and civil status law. The Muslim woman is entitled to marry a non-Muslim and to inherit a woman like a man and even a day The official holiday Saturday and Sunday and not the Friday and the Constitution of Turkey does not specify the religion of the head of state or the religion of the state and there are no Sharia courts governing the people and there are no Islamic banks and do not find the Grand Mufti of Turkey interferes with politics ... etc. and until the new constitution of Turkey, which will work by 2020 a purely secular constitution It differs from a previous constitution that is a presidential system, not a parliamentary system, but a liberal economy J is based primarily on tourism, which need to night clubs and amusement and Haati naked ..... and all those things the government Oordgan worked on the presence of these things in Turkey
If we look at the laws of the Syrian regime, we will find the opposite of Islamic law as a source of legislation and the laws of Sharia in Syria and existing Shari'a courts that separate people from the religion of a Muslim head of state and prevent the marriage of a Muslim without a Muslim and a law that prevents a Muslim from changing his religion ... etc
Therefore, on the reality of who represents the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian regime or the Turkish regime and retrograde and backward
There are also a group of Syrian Islamists who see Turkey as an Islamic system
And we say to these: We rightly hate Ordegan Kerr for his position of the revolution, but to deny the success of the internal Ordgan in the rise of Turkey Is Erdogan rose in Turkey economically by the application of Islamic law Was taken from the Koran and the year of the curriculum was based on Islamic jurisprudence in the Renaissance .....
He has known that Islam is a religion that does not have an economic or political approach and its laws, most of which are not suitable for the age. Islam has no economic or scientific laws. ... is today a religion fit for the spirituality and ethics and social robots and these are Muslims of Syria paper manipulator used by Turkey Syrian mind strange mind watching and read contemporary reality in a strange way

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