The seriousness of watching pornographic movies - the fear

The seriousness of watching pornographic movies

Some young people are plagued by pornographic movies asking God forgiveness and wellness
The good mushrooms and the straight habits denounce this and you?! Ttzah in view of these bodies scandalous, and God Almighty above you early to see your movements and your eyes and see your eyes Yes your eyes are staring at this obscene. And you !! Or you are unaware of God's control of you and the witnesses of God on you, including your guardians who will witness you on the Day of Resurrection, a day that does not hide the unknown. He said: "Then you will not be hidden from you." He heard them, their eyes and their skins, what they were doing. "" One of them spoke to his men and said to their skins, "You have not seen us, O 'Ein Qahdeen?" Did not you hear witnessing ?! But the answer is greater. They said: "Allah has spoken to us, who uttered all things, and He created you for the first time, and to Him you shall return." All of this is in an unparalleled scene.
Farahmak my Lord .... If my brothers ... It is dangerous and continue to be more dangerous than the rule of this scene falling and upsetting to the owners of mushrooms sound that the expression is forbidden by the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah and the consensus of Muslims.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Say:" Say to the believers, Turn away from their sight, and keep their chickens, so I will advise them that Allah is expert in what they do.
On the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he was asked about the look of surprise, he said: Rather, Imam Ahmad narrated in al-Musnad from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he said: Do not follow the view, but the first is for you and the second is for you. Narrated by Muslim.
My brother .. .. My sister .. Do not be God is the lowest beholders to you Be to God as he wants to you above what you want Valnisahp God's strength and secret and public shyness and caution and caution of the bad conclusion and suddenly self-destruction and group groups Death does not know big or small True or I am aware that the persistence in these acts denouncing and insisting on it is a great sin, so beware that God has received it and I know that happiness is not pornographic movies, but happiness is all happiness by obeying Allaah. Let us give him a good life We will reward them with what they do best. "
Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that this is a promise from Allaah to those who have done righteous deeds, which is the work that follows the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, whether male or female among the sons of Adam and his heart is believer in Allah and His Messenger. The best thing to do in the Hereafter is to be happy, O God bless you in front of your eyes and your hands and it is time to enjoy the happy life Undoubtedly indulge in the resolution of these ugly scenes and pornographic films against true happiness and its inhibitions and its impact and its great consequences on one in this world and the Hereafter
· It is an explicit invitation to obscene.
· - and they go virility and fall justice.
· It also makes man look not only at the nakedness of women, but also at the nakedness of men.
· - also spoil common sense and morality.
· And they go jealous and kill the diet in the self and this of their great disadvantages
· - Also from the psychological disadvantages of feeling depressed and nervous in the mood and anger and the feeling of severe and frequent headache.
· - It is also evil that pornographic films that caused insomnia and lack of sleep and sedition perpetual due to the preoccupation with those films.
· It is also a sense of fatigue, lethargy, laziness, and the tendency for isolation and distance from family meetings.
Many greater than the limit here and Mvassadha

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