A woman with a man who deserves all respect and appreciation - the fear

A woman with a man who deserves all respect and appreciation

The young woman is very beautiful to me. The picture on the right, and me like a cinderella to dozens of cavalry ready to kidnap her over their horses and escape her away; herself, me on the left side in very dirty clothes, wearing a head treacherous, and put a large muzzle and glasses not only cover the eyes, but occupy half Flip if not three-quarters .. Normal to give in to questions and wander in the development of possibilities .. Malak Yak dress? And what drives a girl - to witness the honey - to end to the end resembling miners departing evening to their workshops to praise God for their survival .. We come back to you her story remains in the case, and instead of shaking your hands and claim that usual prayer / hope: "Oh God, get us out of it if we return to be One of the oppressors "; Gtjerd claims to pray one another .." Oh God dispersed rehab and their children "..
"Celine Basil," a doctor of Iraqi origin settled in France Shahal this and the service of a total .. Beautiful girl in the prime of her condition, and service Zwinah, coming to live life and enjoy every minute of it, and her lash cracked her head issues and the vagaries of the situation Iraq motherland .. Burn Kamilin Kaaa Mhachahash .. And overcome the Shi blue eyes accompany him receive each weekend Tdozh with some in the exchange of eating candy and swimming on the back, and with the money available at that time, and certainly its beauty Gigib Leha Shi one spoon Ta is, P weekend Guidouzou Fchi island uninhabited Hibosh They tend to calm, which does not bode a storm, they drink The mango juice with the flavor of whiskey is precious .. Activate and enjoy, and publish moments with glaucoma on Instagram for entertainment .. And turn a blind eye to another girl was that glaucoma eyes are with me ..
She could manage Hadshi very easily .. But whores Ajie hear her story .. Before, as we ask you to see me again Mezian .. Lips shahal Zouina and Boukusa and her eyes pistachio .. Not like to smile to thank - O God forbid - and colleagues in the initiative "Seko Seko" For all .. my guardianship of my freedom .. It is my right pulsed from the hole of my ball ..
Celine Acetate Colchi and Raha France, and returned to Iraq from the day of the lol for the beginning of the revolution, and wore those clothes that you see them, and began to provide first aid to the wounded of the revolutionaries .. As a move from one to one, the task is to provide assistance, treatment, demanding a free Iraq free of sectarian quotas. An Iraq that guarantees freedom and dignity to the people .. It shook its light medical equipment and received its mission without any appointment or assignment from any party or one .. Its due engine, its motive, its commitment to the real issues of its country, and devoted its time and effort, and what it does well, to serve the revolution against the looting and impoverished sectarian authority. For the people .. and breaks on the Mac Yag .. and hairstyle .. And its work in France .. And Gat because it believes that each one has a certain role in the service of the revolution and walk by the righteousness of deliverance ..
It is like harm to me by the conscience, a cowardly bullets of a sniper stationed on the roof of a building caught and sent to the hospital between life and death .. I hit two days here, and for the limits of the hour, and despite my search for new condition, Mlqat even new .. And I wish her safety to return to the embrace of a country not licensed Her life ..
A wonderful girl Dart Hadshi .. And Alqhab we have what they see compared to solar energy and demands as a quarrel .. preoccupied with ridiculous and ridiculous and degenerate of issues and matters and demands .. Bg beet sugar and luffy engraved, Mnlkhatat from the essence of the problem, and day Kaaa get out people Vshy street demonstration, Like receiving them for a while, they instagram with one fascist bar and no cabaret ..
Celine did not leave all her life behind in France and descended to help the Iraqis in their revolution and only, even, even France, was allocated an important amount of money to help associations Shi Iraq to ensure people with disabilities and orphans .. It was as a service to the human .. Walker nanny dog ​​Omsh lose it Bash live Ten families with their members ..
Believe one director Egyptian God reminiscent of what remained sane on Smito, when he said ..
There are women .. and there is a beetle ..
God knows Awatani ..

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