The unjust does not need a reason to injustice! - the fear

The unjust does not need a reason to injustice!

Does the oppressor need a reason to be arrogant ?? !
The ass went to the lion and asked him:
Are not you a big jungle? Assad replied: What happened?
The donkey said: The tiger hits me on my face whenever he sees me and asks me why I do not wear a hat. Why does he hit me and what hat does he speak?
Assad replied: Leave me this subject
When he met the lion and the tiger asked him what was the subject of that hat?
The tiger replied: Just a reason to strike!
Assad said: Look for a good reason, for example ask him to bring an apple, if it brought yellow slap and tell him why did not come red? If he brought it red, slap him and tell him why did not you get yellow?
The tiger replied: a good idea .. The next day asked the tiger from the donkey to bring an apple looked at him ass and asked: Do you want red or yellow?
Then the tiger was confused and muttered: red or yellow?
Then he hit the ass and said: Why do not you wear the hat?
The unjust does not need a reason to injustice!

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