Urgent: Moroccan Minister of Transport and Equipment is infected with Corona virus. - the fear

Urgent: Moroccan Minister of Transport and Equipment is infected with Corona virus.


'aelanat wikalat 'anba' almaghrib 'iisabat wazir altajhiz w alnaql w
alluwjstayk w alma', eabd alqadir 'aemarat, bfirus kwrwna
almustajidu, eaqib eawdatih min mahamin rasmiat fi dual 'uwrubiyatin.
washaer wazir altajhiz w alnaql walluwjastayk walma' bitueb ghyr
eadi mashub bialam fi alraas, ma dafeih 'iilaa altaqadum 'iilaa almasalih
altabiatu, wifqaan liwikalat 'anba' almaghrib.
wa'akadat alfuhusat waltahlilat almukhtabariatu, taearad alwazir eabd
alqadir eammar lil'iisabat bifirus kuruna.

wawifqa libayan wizarat altajhiz walnaqli, fa'iina al'aerad alty zaharat
ealaa alwazir basitat wala tadeu lilqalq.
waimtithalaan litaelimat al'atibba' faman almqrrr 'an yulazim baytih limudat 14
yuma, w yumaris mahamih alaietiadiat biaistiemal kaft alwasayil altaqnia
alty tutih aleamal ean bued.
wasajal almaghrib, alsabti, 17 halatan 'iisabatan bikuruna, kama sajal
hataa alan halat wafat wahidat.
wa'aelan almaghrib, aljumeata, taeliq aldirasat aibtida'an min alssadis eashar
min mars, hataa 'iishear akhir, tafadiaan litafashiy fayrus kwrwna
Afficher plus
Morocco News Agency announced the injury of the Minister of Equipment and Transport

Logistics and water, Abdul Qadir Amara, with corona virus

The newcomer, upon his return from official duties in European countries.

The Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water felt uneasy

Ordinary with headache, which led him to advance to interests

Medical, according to Morocco News Agency.

Lab tests and analyzes confirmed Minister Abdel

Ammar is able to contract Coronavirus.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, the symptoms appeared

The minister is simple and not to worry.

In compliance with the doctors ’instructions, he is to stay with him for 14 years

One day, he performs his usual tasks using all technical means

That allows remote work.

On Saturday, Morocco recorded 17 cases of corona, as well

So far one death.

On Friday, Morocco announced the suspension of the study, starting from the sixteenth

From March, until further notice, to avoid an outbreak of corona virus

The newbie.

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