To combat Corona .. Media and psychological war between the major countries - the fear

To combat Corona .. Media and psychological war between the major countries

Young people .. I wrote HAD to the center of the time-laning, because one of them is KEDOR

Daba is very serious in my opinion ... and he is a French company

The medicine has been killed, have mercy on parents, and you are not respected

 At night, you do not publish anything you need to know the implications of its dialects

You know the correct dimension, and no, it is not lol ....

First, by 95 films, and much of the news as it is circulated has no basis

Health ... up to the writing of this line, Ra Makain and Alo..Ta Shi Dua

McCain ... as the indications indicate that ... nor the French state

And no French official body has any statements about the need for the investigation

.... and all news circulated is quoting the company itself ....

"Often out of propaganda."

Secondly, and most importantly, let's suppose that it is as a Kaen, a gao, etc. ... and this

The possibility is very very small at the present time ... May God have mercy on you, parents and want it

Circulation of news about the case of Hakkadi Gadi, which is guaranteed by us as hope .. and for the country

So the sensitive period .... and Ghadi, the quarantine of many of me has collapsed

3 days. Hadi and Hanna Kankagio, with a human who abides by him and enters into it ....

So that my two brothers, my sister, have regret, we have to come to me ... especially people

For simple Guidor Lee have news for WhatsApp ... Gadi Ga listens to Gao

Dawa ... Gadi despises, and Gigulik Iwa Safi Lash, I remain trapped

My head. Here they met Gowa, they were not hidden from us

.... and Ghadi can wake up waving Duck soap, so Disho Dzbel

... We look at the second Aziro ... and they sang it in our asses all ... a lot

Hanna brought her to Deja ........

Blayz ... God have mercy on you for your parents .... come on, wellness stone ... be sure of

The news, instead of one time and not a dozen times, was returned ...


You are coming out of us

Jawad El Ansari

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