Shocking facts ... Imported white fish - the fear

Shocking facts ... Imported white fish

The white fish, or the imported 'filly', is actually destined to kill humans,
And in the beginning ....
Special thanks to Jordanian lawyer Tareq Abu Ragheb who revealed the truth
Shocking Facts ...
What many do not know is that frozen fish in our markets has been banned recently by most Arab countries after the emergence of Jordanian lawyer Tareq Abu Ragheb, who set off an investigative investigation supported by documents and facts proved that all the fish and fillet fish imported from countries such as: Argentina, Brazil , China, Vietnam is raised in solid waste streams and dumps, carcinogenic, and unfit for human consumption.
This has had such a strong impact that Jordan has banned the import of beef and basa fish, known to us as "baklai," and the Lebanese authorities, in turn, destroyed 60 trucks six months ago, followed by the Gulf countries in the ban.
#Beginning of the story:
The beginning of the story with the Jordanian lawyer Tariq Abu Ragheb, as told by "opinion": "For more than a year ... I have been looking at the file of food and medicine with specialists for a local program I was presenting in Jordan, talking about the reasons for the spread of many incurable, malignant diseases And the diseases of ED, "he added," I was horrified that the percentages exceed 80% because of the corrupt food in the Arab world, which led me to find that Arabs kill more food each day than wars, and imported food was the cause of the spread of cancer, vitamin B12 deficiency , Osteoporosis and other diseases of the times. "
Abu Ragheb confirmed that through his research and field investigation, he discovered the existence of a so-called global garbage market that sells to Arabs only, from the Gulf to the ocean, and that the suppliers are the same for all the Arab countries, pointing out that he found that the fish filly raised in the world's dirtiest rivers, The river is a landfill for industrial and human waste.
Abu Ragheb describes this fish before peeling it as garbage and until it is exported, suppliers cleaned and bleached meat inside Vietnam using a substance called (Malakite Green), explaining that this substance is prohibited globally, because it is a major cause of cancer.
Abu Ragheb said: "I checked this fish at my own expense and the result was that it is carcinogenic poisonous and very high, but for the beheaded fish is imported from Argentina with polluted beaches and the government there pay the merchants to clean the beaches of his presence, but the opportunistic traders take it for sale to Arab countries Looking out for his negative impact. "
The seriousness of this matter prompted the Jordanian government to prevent it completely, as Lebanon, and the rest of the countries followed in the same footsteps, and Abu Ragheb Egypt that this is only a systematic targeting of the Arab citizen, wondering: "How does Israel prevent the use of pepsin in
Pepsi and allow us to import and use ... ????
God bless us and yes the agent of those who fear God in us and import us death and torment Wayne ministries of trade, the Department of Consumer Protection and the Ministries of Health and Environment, a group ...
The subject is very dangerous !!? They tried to spread it in order to reach every official in his hand to take the decision and stepped up the matter, his cell reaches every official to prevent us from this dangerous epidemic and deadly poison issued by us countries trying to kill us slowly and persistence and surveillance, with the insistence to harm us and kill us in our country in cold blood for Money and Sacred Gain ... !!
And citizens, as long as you know it, avoid buying these toxins ...
Oh God, I bear witness ...

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