American Democracy Can Money Buy It ....... - the fear

American Democracy Can Money Buy It .......

"The best democracy that money can buy"
Craig Bast.
Ella Kanti as a lover of Lek that the progress of me links Lea Merikan full of serious and reasonable and credibility Rak Galat and Bazaf .. Nothing stronger than the power of money .. Nmshio of the subject.
As a subject for the night, the book section will be chosen for the book "Best Democracy Can Buy" by American writer Craig Palast. The book is a literary novel and a philosophical book. It simply explains the plans of America. President George W. Bush and his policies dictated. .
The writer Ghadi reveals the scorn of the dialects, including the election scandals, especially the 2000 elections. They manipulated the voices of the African Americans and their numbers. 57,000 and 700 African Americans. Lee Soutou against "George Bush" means 90 percent. The American Africans voted for the Democratic Party and the white Americans. From the poor class, they were prevented from voting until Huma, Hich Kitsoto, for the Democratic Party ... Hadashi Kamel with the help of Diyal, the Governor of the State, "George Bush," Lee Hugh, George Bush, and Haka Gadi. George Bush wins the elections in Florida, knowing that the number of those deprived of voting The state of Florida is over 90 A citizen and their kiadu to the Democratic Party ... but always the power of money is the strongest ...
Khascom know that the largest companies are participating in the electoral campaign in favor of George W. Bush and the companies that specialized in energy and contributed $ 4 million to support the electoral sentence Gurdbushia .. What? Of course, George W. Bush and Idol Bazaf Diyal reward; Envoa arrived, "Bush" to govern Gadi gives funds to companies chasing Bash to oil and to give up Bazal Diyal environmental decisions to me was the scourge of the sticks Valerweidh for the energy companies, .. In the absence of Hadi Kanoo Vardin the companies lack From the emission of toxic gases in order to preserve the environment and Dacchi, but Daba Melli arrived, "Bush" to rule Khodu comfort and gave him the facilities and privileges of $ 100 million and tasted Fahm Meziane .... Even the companies Bgao take the foreign countries as a "Bush" with the heads of Duke states and Kiatioh approval BASH AND WEDERO BRANCHES VEDEK COUNTRY BELOW MY Mei multinational companies and globalization ...
Non-Hodshi shortage of tax companies and support for the gold mining companies Dial gold exploration, Indonesia and support Dial "George Bush" Daro American companies Mapagao "Congo" with support Congolese President Mobutu Li Khaa and the people of the Congolese support for American companies for gold exploration Bash Maitclash In the same policy, the American company called it "Parik", the largest land in Africa, where Kanu lived a group of Africans and dragged them from their lands. ... with the support of Dial "Bush's runner"
In the same policy, American energy companies exploited the power stations to generate energy in all continents, except for the Southern Medical Continent. In the same policy, the Texas American companies, the energy of the world, is full, and it is the strongest state in which the most powerful companies, George Bush, are the most powerful. Politics Bush will pay 30 thousand troops to "Pakistan" Bash protects the companies of energy and electricity and increased them, electricity prices plus the cost of soldiers collect the money and money from the people of Pakistan .. And the soldiers as Kheddo Pakistan Bash, save the Crown and kill him in cold blood ... Bash Maitclash "c And George Bush "... And the same policy entered the US companies energy to India and Mali Khargo Indians to protest against the American companies Mtouz police filled with hatred and disobedience as the concept of" Bush "Bladi Gadi Yakhnkhom Ella Makhdosh American companies Vloshm ...
It is one of the meeting where the largest industrialized countries gather with the Director of the International Monetary Fund and discuss a range of issues, including the issue of HIV / AIDS. Africa and Kivash treat it and save people from death. For example, Tanzania has a million people A patient with AIDS, but the strangest that they are salvation on the treatment Valsibatr Dialal Biblai Kanu Fabour ... and the imposition of salvation even on education thing Lee Kayinqs of the proportion of registration schools by 40 Valmih .... And Hadi Kamel Framework of globalization allegedly ...
Globalization Ruling on people dying by the words of "Joseph Steflitz" Lee was the leader of the World Bank and dragged him without retirement without a loan and the privatization of Lina programs Dial World Bank P 4 Dial stages:
The lolla phase of the World Bank in any country is "privatization" as a sign of the stage? Na'amas Real Estate Property of the State of Kishrha Private Sector and Officials Mbhbkosh Balash Of course, the conspirators, Rahim Gaiemro and Switzerland, there is no fear ..
The second phase is where the market means any law, such as the taxation of the money and the capital, Kaitehid and the ...
Third phase Kaifrto prices at the expense of the market especially Fash Shi State Kathenk and Kitaia and the Office of ...
The fourth stage, where the country's markets are in front of foreign products .. The state's founder, Fash Kathenk, is one of the most important solutions to import foreign products.
In general, I tried to give some ideas I deduced from the book and gave it to you as a summary and a general idea about the subject of the book, and to me, I wish to increase the depth of the book. The book is available in Google .... Hadshi Lee Kaen Ntshawovo Once Again ... Pace.
By: Saar

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