Successful sexuality is a priority for women. - the fear

Successful sexuality is a priority for women.

The French website Le Figaro has recently published a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania on the ideal time for sex. The study found that intercourse is considered satisfactory if it takes between 7 and 13 minutes. The Jurisdiction of Sexology in Paris has refuted 7 false ideas and cliches that most people think about the concept of sex:
1. "How long does intercourse mean that sexual intercourse is good?"
When the duration of intercourse is short, it is likely to be considered unsatisfactory. But this does not confirm the success of sexual intercourse if the process of intercourse lasted a long time. However, the initiation of the two partners in seduction through emotional speech is a good sign. And most importantly to ascertain the desired desires that are considered relative from one person to another.
2. "Genital volume is important?"
There is no real significance to this standard; it is merely a symbolic representation. This belief exists in the collective imagination that believes that the size of the genitals indicates a great sexual ability. But this is wrong, because 80% of sexual pleasure comes from mental excitement. However, men need permanent reassurance and moral support for the size of their genitals.
3. "Women do not talk about sex in their private sessions?"
Contrary to the common saying that women avoid talking about sex, it is the main topic they address during their private sessions. While men talk about sex between each other with the aim of bragging and reviewing.
4. "Women do not want sex but love passion?"
Some believe that women are usually influenced by emotion and intimate feelings of love, and are not influenced by the concept of sex as if it does not mean to them. However, this argument is wrong, because successful sexuality is a priority for women.
5. "Embrace a beautiful initiative from which one?"
Imagine someone wanting to hug you? You will think that this initiative will bring beautiful feelings to your life. Then imagine the same hug with someone you love. The fact that embracing someone who has no feelings of love will not change anything in the equation. Passion and pleasure are two mental standards and have nothing to do with physical reality.
6. "Do women need to have love before intercourse?"
It is not necessary to have a relationship between feelings and sex. It is just a passion without the need for a human-to-human relationship. Women may choose to sleep next to someone who is aroused and this is a kind of self-arousal. However, the mere thought of the girl that it is just a sexual purpose, will inevitably inflict psychological harm.
7. "Men need sex more than women?"
Men's desire to have sex can not be characterized as an urgent need for them, such as food, drink and sleep. This is a false statement to be made. However, his abstention from sexual intercourse may negatively affect his morale and kill his ambitions.

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